Zebrafish-Based Oncocardiology and Onconephrology







Target Validation and Zebrafish-based Systems Pharmacology
Toshio Tanaka MD, PhD
Department of Pharmacogenomics and Systems Pharmacology
Mie University Graduate School of Medicine

Although the rate of progress in preclinical biomedical science is high, it remains difficult to translate these findings into potential drug discovery. The major cause of attrition in the pharmaceutical industry is the lack of efficacy in phase II and III clinical trials, which may be due to insufficient target validation. Systems pharmacology is a recently introduced term that refers to the area dealing with the representation of therapeutics mechanisms of action and to improve the efficiency of innovative drug discovery and development. Previously, we reported that heme oxygenase-1 and heat shock protein 72 as potential drug targets by using rat model of cerebral vasospasm. However, there is serious problems of throughput in mammalian target validation system. In recent years in vivo chemical and genetic screening in zebrafish has emerged as a rapid and efficient method to identify drug target that modulate specific human disease processes. By performing primary screening of drug in vivo, the bioactivity, toxicity, and off-target side effects are determined from the onset of drug development. We would like to present our rencent data which suggest that zebrafish-based systems pharmacology will be powerful next generation strategy for therapeutic target validation.

Open seminar: eChallenges facing drug discovery in Japan and the UK – how can these challenges be met?f

• To provide an overview to a range of stakeholders on the current drug discovery processes in Japan and the UK.
• To create a forum for the open discussion of current challenges facing translational medicine and thoughts on how these should be addressed.

1400-1430 Registration

1430-1435 Opening remarks

1430-1450 Introduction to the session - Dr Dayfdd Owen (Pfizer)
• Provide a very brief introduction on Target Validation
• Summarise key points from previous 1.5 days
• Similarities/Differences between UK and Japan

1450-1510 Prof Chas Bountra (University of Oxford)
Drug discovery landscape in the UK

1510-1530 Dr Hirayama (MHLW)

1530-1545 Q&A

1545-1600 Coffee break

1600-1615 Prof Andrew Hopkins (University of Dundee) – academic perspective

1615-1630 Professor Toshio Miyata (Tohoku University)

1630-1645 UK speaker TBA

1645-1700 Professor Toshio Tanaka (Mie University)

1700-1715 Q&A

1715-1730 Closing remarks and move to reception hall

1730-1900 Networking reception


