
Zebrafish-Based Oncocardionephrology


personalized cancer treatment using patient-derived xenografts zebrafish model

世界最強のハイスループット個別化 in vivo 蛋白尿スクリーニングシステム

》第123号 三重大学 Flash News「血液脳関門障害を簡便に可視化する方法の開発」


第123号 三重大学Flash Newsに8/23の 記者会見の様子が掲載されました。

【Identification of a Novel Indoline Derivative for in Vivo Fluorescent Imaging of Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption in Animal Models】

Nishimura Y, Yata K, Nomoto T, Ogiwara T, Watanabe K, Shintou T, Tsuboyama A, Okano M, Umemoto N, Zhang Z, Kawabata M, Zhang B, Kuroyanagi J, Shimada Y, Miyazaki T, Imamura T, Tomimoto H, Tanaka T.

ACS Chem. Neurosci., 2013, 4 (8), pp 1183–1193
DOI: 10.1021/cn400010t
Publication Date (Web): May 13, 2013

Disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) can occur in various pathophysiological conditions. Administration of extraneous tracers that can pass the disrupted, but not the intact, BBB and detection of the extravasation have been widely used to assess BBB disruption in animal models. Although several fluorescent tracers have been successfully used, the administration of these tracers basically requires intravascular injection, which can be laborious when using small animals such as zebrafish. To identify fluorescent tracers that could be easily administered into various animal models and visualize the BBB disruption in vivo, we prepared nine structurally related indoline derivatives (IDs) as a minimum set of diverse fluorescent compounds. We found that one ID, ZMB741, had the highest affinity for serum albumin and emitted the strongest fluorescence in the presence of serum albumin of the nine IDs tested. The affinity to serum albumin and the fluorescence intensity was superior to those of Evans blue and indocyanine green that have been conventionally used to assess the BBB disruption. We showed that ZMB741 could be administered into zebrafish by static immersion or mice by intraperitoneal injection and visualizes the active disruption of their BBB. These results suggest that ZMB741 can be a convenient and versatile tool for in vivo fluorescent imaging of BBB disruption in various animal models. The strategy used in this study can also be applied to diversity-oriented libraries to identify novel fluorescent tracers that may be superior to ZMB741.


ACS Chemical Neuroscience


